to heal, inspire, and empower in the Way of Jesus
so that all people may create lives of deeper meaning & greater value
Why We Are Here
We are a progressive spiritual community, Open & Affirming, Pluralist, and ever-evolving in our relationship with spiritual-religious history and tradition. You'll find just about every flavor of spiritual identity in our midst.
We welcome all the world's religions, philosophies, and wisdom to expand our understanding. What does this look like exactly? Well, it's complicated, and beautiful and a bit messy. And it occurs to us, that's the way real life is.
There are no tests here. You are welcome to enter the full life of the UCCP community without expectation that you believe (or will ever believe) certain things. We orient our community life on 6 Loving Actions inspired by the teaching of the 1st century Rabbi, Jesus of Nazareth, and informed by modern philosophy, science, sociology, art, and psychology. These 6 Loving Actions are: Respect, Responsibility, Promise-Keeping, Knowing & Being Known, Care, and Trust. This way can often feel counter-cultural to church as you may have experienced it. We aspire to be a House of Permission and a Temple of Equity that heals, inspires and empowers individuals and the world to greater good. Our denomination, the UCC, was/is first to affirm and ordain women, African Americans, LGBTQ persons and continues to lead the world in engaging the social justice concerns of our times. We not only welcome, but we affirm every person, just as you are.
If this way of being a spiritual community resonates with you, we imagine you might find UCC a place of enduring value to you and your household.