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Worship gatherings at UCC are a pluralist practice, rooted in the teachings of Jesus and exploring how the world's many religions and philosophical traditions can expand our understanding. We follow a Wheel of the Year, developed by our Pastor, that helps us to see how the world's many traditions align with our stories, festivals, and practices. You can get a copy of the Wheel by clicking the link above or on the Homepage. We practice an engaged spirituality that calls us to show up and practice with our lives in community. UCC holds no set expectation of your personal understandings. We are a place with a tradition that invites you to be an open-minded seeker. You'll find people on a great variety of paths here.

Our leaders and Pastor would be happy to meet with you to learn how your unique talents and needs might help shape our community's life.

Young ones are always welcome to be in church for the whole hour. We are a small congregation without a formal "Sunday school" and would be glad to support you and yours to include your children in a way that works or you.
Hearing assistance units are available in the narthex. We also have a loop system which you can access by turning your hearing aid to the “t” setting.
An ADA restroom is located just outside the sanctuary, through the double doors.

all people are loved by the God of their understanding, just as they are

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